Noxious Weed Management

Cheatgrass invasion close to a vulnerable residence.
When a natural landscape is disturbed by driveway construction, home building, wildfire mitigation, soil erosion or other outdoor activities, a perfect opportunity is created for invasion by noxious weeds.
These aggressive exotic plants, such as Canada thistle, musk thistle, common mullein and leafy spurge, can quickly take over and crowd out the native vegetation and wildlife, leaving an unsightly mess with long term environmental and economic damage. Cheatgrass stands can also present a wildfire hazard as they dry out early and carry fire easily.
How Fireweed can help
I can help you avoid this scenario by assessing and managing your noxious weeds before, during and/or after any disturbance on your property, using a sound combination of cultural, mechanical and/or chemical management within an action plan. Eliminating or reducing the spread of certain noxious weed species can be legally required of property owners to reduce environmental harm. Local wildlife and native vegetation will greatly benefit from your active involvement in restoring their habitat.
Learn more about how Fireweed can help with noxious weeds.
To see the noxious weed species in your area, scroll down to the gallery below.
Click on the highlighted headings below for more information on this website on:
Cheatgrass management
Herbicides and other control methods
Presentations in your neighborhood
Resources on local noxious weeds