Fireweed Ecological Services LLC

Nimbly restoring the balance of nature

Schedule a Free Consultation

Do you love your mountain property, but need help keeping it healthy and resilient
against the hazards of invasive weeds, forest pests, and wildfire?

Consulting ecologist, Lucy Bauer, can help!

Fireweed’s Services

Fireweed Ecological Services works with private landowners to tackle three big threats to homeowner safety and landscape health in the mountains of Colorado today:

  • Noxious weeds stealthily invading our communities, reducing wildlife habitat and increasing fire risk.
  • Forest health decline in stressed forests where insects and disease find easy pickings.
  • Wildfire prepared against the increasing frequency and intensity

Contact me for more information on how Fireweed ES can help you mitigate these issues.

Noxious Weed Management

Cheatgrass invading a slope near a building.

When a natural landscape is disturbed by home building, driveway construction, wildfire mitigation or soil erosion, noxious weeds take note and move in. These aggressive non-native plants can impoverish your native habitats and elevate wildfire risk.

 Fireweed ES can help you manage this scenario by assessing, advising, and even taking care of your noxious weeds before, during or after any such disturbance on your property.

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Forest Health Evaluation

Dwarf mistletoe infesting a ponderosa pine.

Decades of fire suppression, logging, grazing and rising temperatures in Colorado have resulted in a landscape of sickly, crowded stands trees. Dwarf mistletoe infestations, and attacks by mountain pine beetle and other destructive insects are now weakening and killing many of these vulnerable trees.

Fireweed ES can help assess tree health, identify insect or disease issues, and advise on measures to avoid further damage or tree loss and ways to improve overall forest health.

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Wildfire Prepared Assessment

Dry pine needles choking a home's gutter.

Wildfire presents an increasing risk for mountain property owners today. Have your local fire department and/or home insurance company advise on home-hardening and defensible space improvements within the first 30ft of your home.

Beyond the 30ft zone, Fireweed ES can offer a thorough on-site assessment of your remaining forested land and its vulnerability to wildfire, and recommend practical ways to reduce fire risk as well as improving the overall health of your forest.

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Service Area

Fireweed’s service area encompasses the Colorado mountain communities of western Jefferson County together with adjoining areas of eastern Clear Creek and Park Counties. Regions further afield may also be considered on a case-by-case basis.